Tuesday, 27 February 2018


This was my best piece of creative work mostly because it was the most memorable. It was a huge learning experience in being able to adapt to your materials' limits. I believe at the time it was my most passionate visual art project as I was using materials (textiles and metalwork) and expressive forms that I enjoyed and taught me a lot about those materials which I used in my later use. 

Hiroshi Nakamura and NAP Architects's Ribbon Chapel (Onomichi, Hiroshima, 2013) metaphorically describes the purity and intimacy of marriage through its architecture. The chapel's exterior consists of two spiral stairways that support each other, producing a free-standing stucture. Interestingly, a single spiral stairway alone lacks the support and stability due to being prone to vibrations. 

This photo was taken to experiment with a new camera. But I like it because it portrays the intimate parts of my life as its my bedroom. A person's bedroom provides so much information about a person that you wouldn't have known otherwise without peering in. I also think it's so comforting and a photo that only I can really find interesting.

decadence, enchant, bizarre

strength, drift, dynamic

impulse, dispose, ephemeral

EXP 3 WEEK 5 - Final Submission

This is my final submission for Experiment 3. My building bridges Squarehouse and Nida. I wanted to create circular movement through th...